Do you ever feel fragile? Like at any minute, you could break apart into a million pieces?
Do you ever wonder what in the world you’re doing here? Or wonder if you’re doing everything all wrong?
Do you ever feel sad but don’t know why?
I do.
If you do, please remember:
You aren’t alone. You are stronger than you think you are.
You are here for a reason. You have a purpose that no one else can fulfill.
The sadness will pass. You will be happy again.
I know these things to be true. They get me through. I hope you know them too.
You are special, you are needed, you are loved.
When you forget, please reach out, and ask for help.
And as always, let those you love know you love them. They just might be in need of a reminder too.
Wishing you a life full of music, laughter, and love - Dana