I have a talent for crying.

I have a talent for crying.  This is not something I ever wanted, but I definitely have it.  I can cry any time, night or day.  Any place…from the grocery store to church, from a ballgame to yoga, while watching the news and while watching what is supposed to be a comedy…I cry.  I have mastered the silent cry…where tears run down my cheeks without so much as a sniffle.  I’m an expert at the wailing cry, when it sounds like (and feels like) it is the end of the world.  There’s the muffled cry, where I scream and cry into a pillow to try and hide the pain that is bursting out of me.  There are many more types…the hyperventilating cry, the shower cry, the nonsense cry…I have labels for them all.  I have come to notice that the most common for me, my almost constant companion, is the tearfree cry.  I don’t know if everyone knows about this one or not…it’s the one way deep in my core that is so scared and confused in a strange combination of a scream, and a chant, it says, “something is wrong, something is missing, something is so, so very wrong…help, help, what can we do?”  I am the only one who hears them though, so no answer ever comes…all I can do is agree…something is very wrong and I don’t know what to do.